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Monday, January 13th
10:00 AM

A Collaborative Approach to Climbing the Clinical Ladder

Cara Gibbons MHA, RN
Caitlin Brown BSN, RN

10:00 AM

Tuesday, January 14th
9:59 AM

A Collaborative Approach to Improving Interdisciplinary Communication and Patient Experience

Caitlin Brown BSN, RN
Amanda Dalby BSN, RN, CCRN
Emily Duran BSN, RN

9:59 AM

Wednesday, January 15th
9:59 AM

Addressing Food Insecurity Among Latino Immigrants: The Role of Nurses Promoting Health Equity in a Small Community on Long Island, NY

Paola Wilches MSN, RN, GERO-BC, NP, D-BC. AMB-BC
Meredith Minsky BSN, RN, CRRN

9:59 AM

Thursday, January 16th
9:59 AM

Affects of Acoustic Therapy on Parkinson's Disease

Ariana Berman
Michael De La Cruz
Taylor Dibenedetto
Marika Georgopalis
Dasol Kim

9:59 AM

Friday, January 17th
9:59 AM

Alarm Fatigue

Marie Monteleone
Ginny Grover
Sharlene Abraham
John Diede
Aleeya Fischer

9:59 AM

Saturday, January 18th
9:59 AM

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Treating Patients with Hyperglycemia in Ambulatory Care

Mary Muscarello MSN, ANP-C, CDCES
Stefanie Kane LMSW CDCES
Arlene Yamond RN, AMB-BC
Melissa Henninger
Emanuella Dattolo
Zuleen Chia-Chang MD
Paola Wilches MSN, RN. AMB-BC, NPD-BC, GERO-BC

9:59 AM

Sunday, January 19th
9:59 AM

An Interdisciplinary Approach: Reducing Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) & Improving Skin Documentation

Carolyn Foley BSN, RN, CCRN, WCC, OMS
Anthony Cardone PT, DPT, LSVT
Rachel Wetzel MS, RD, CDN

9:59 AM

Monday, January 20th
9:59 AM

Connected Moment: Increasing Hourly Rounding Top Box Scores

Urszula Szewczyk MSN, RN, CCRN
Madelyn Roman BSN, RN
Jennifer Yu BSN, RN
Dhalia Pantry BSN, RN

9:59 AM

Tuesday, January 21st
9:59 AM

Conversion of Trach Tubes for GCH: A cost-savings initiative

Monica Vazirani RRT-NPS
Erica Gateau MBA, RRT
Fiorella Vega BS, RRT
Shieldeen Yan RRT
Ouida Harry RRT

9:59 AM

Wednesday, January 22nd
9:59 AM

Culture of Safety: A Multifaceted Approach to Preventing Falls in the Emergency Department

Eileen Cella RN, CEN, BSN, MBA
Cara Gibbons MHA, RN
Erick Pajuelo BSN, RN
Karen McKinney MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC

9:59 AM

Thursday, January 23rd
9:59 AM

Dietary Changes to Increase Alertness in Night Shift Nursing Staff

Jessica Bohorquez BSN, RN
Lauraann Giardelli BSN, RN

9:59 AM

Friday, January 24th
9:59 AM

Education of a Vulnerable Population to Increase Telehealth Access

Paola Wilches MSN, RN
Brenda Gomez MD
Lisa Shapiro MD
Myrta Olivera-Dubon MD
Christopher McCarthy
Sara Siddiqui
Amanda Inga-O'Connell MHA
Barbara Keber MD

9:59 AM

Saturday, January 25th
9:59 AM

Effects of Clamping a Urinary Catheter on Post-Void Residuals and Catheter Reinsertion Rates

Diamond Craig RN
Daniel Costillo RN
Diptti Sharma RN

9:59 AM

Sunday, January 26th
9:59 AM

Effects of Doing Bedside Report and Patient Outcomes

Amy Perez RN
Rachel Marcus RN

9:59 AM

Monday, January 27th
9:59 AM

Effects of Music Therapy on Agitation in Patients With Dementia

Jacqueline Cipriano RN BSN
Aubrey Luna RN BSN
Michael Rossiello RN BSN

9:59 AM

Tuesday, January 28th
9:59 AM

Enhanced Elderly Safety Program Promotes Fall Reduction

Marizen Gallagher BSN, RN, GERO-BC
Christian Bouchereau BSN, RN, MEDSURG-BE
Max Wong BSN, RN

9:59 AM

Wednesday, January 29th
9:59 AM

Enhanced Feeding Assistance Screening Protocols for Brain Injury Patients

Vilma Alday BSN RN CCRN
Milton Briones PCA
Sabrina Derius BSN RN
Jacquelyn Geanta MS OTR/L
Dawn Green MS CCC-SLP
Victoria Kalesis RD
Inderoop Ruby Kaur BSN RN CCRN
Cranise Peterson PCA
Paty Siguenza PCA
Caitlin Vega BSN RN CRRN
Jorge Farro RD
Marina Kajic RD
Michael McDermott RD
Jessie Valentine MS RD
Rachel Wetzel MS RD

9:59 AM

Thursday, January 30th
9:59 AM

Enhancing Pressure Injury Documentation with Photography

Dahlia Pantry RN, BSN
Adam Filleborn RN, BSN
Sristi Pandey RN, BSN
Micole Canlas RN, BSN

9:59 AM

Friday, January 31st
9:59 AM

Fall Reduction by Updating Fall Reduction Safety Tool (FRAT)

Diana Marcello BSN, RN
Sharanjit Bajwa BSN, RN
Sheela Bejoy RN

9:59 AM

Saturday, February 1st
9:59 AM

From Rehab to Reality: Uncovering Challenges in Community Participation for Patients with Stroke

Alyson Sturman PT, DPT
Amber Rijos MA, CCC-SLP
Dawn Green MS, CCC-SLP
Jenna Reade MS, CCC-SLP
Erin Finlay PT, DPT, ATC, CBIS
Daniela Farro PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS
Lauren Bollaci ATR-BC, LCAT, CBIS, CCTP
Jacquelyn Geanta MS, OTR/L, CSRS
Tanike Troya CTRS

9:59 AM

Sunday, February 2nd
9:59 AM

Heparin or Not? Uncovering the Key to DVT Risk

Amanda Persaud BSN, RN
Julia Minogue RN
Samantha Jean RN, MHA
Shadica Christopher RN

9:59 AM

Monday, February 3rd
9:59 AM

Illuminating the Choice Between Light Therapy and Pharmacological Interventions for Sundowning and Cognitive Impairment

Alain Eugene
Dylan Silas
Emma Vines
Ryan Pina

9:59 AM

Tuesday, February 4th
9:59 AM

Impact of Using Handheld Mobile Devices on Bar Code Medication Administration Overrides among Registered Nurses and Respiratory Therapists in a Community Hospital Setting

Lily Mathew PhD RN-BC, NI-BC, NPD-BC
Luciann Sackett BSN, RN, CRRN
Maria Grella Pharm. D
Erica Gateau RT
Theresa Dillman DNP, MSN, MHA, RN, NE-BC

9:59 AM

Wednesday, February 5th
9:59 AM

Improving Post-Op Order Release During Perioperative-Surgical Unit Handoff

Urszula Szewczyk MSN, RN, CCRN
Marilyn Fernandez BSN, RN
Abigail Dunne BSN RN
Julia Minogue BSN RN

9:59 AM

Thursday, February 6th
9:59 AM

Let's Get Talking! The impact of using interpreter services on patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes

Denyce LaVeglia BSN, RN, CRRN
Kimberly Cime BSN, RN, CRRN
Tamara Robinson BSN, RN, MEDSURG-BC
Meredith Minsky BSN, RN, CRRN
Luciann Sackett BSN, RN, CRRN
Heather Caramanzana PhD, RN, NPD-BC, CRRN

9:59 AM

Friday, February 7th
9:59 AM

Massage Therapy to Improve Motor Symptoms in Parkinson’s Patients

Kenneth Chiu RN, BSN
Gretel Co RN BSN
Emily Duran RN BSN
Shannon Owens RN BSN

9:59 AM

Saturday, February 8th
9:59 AM

Opioid Education to Improve Transition of Care

Maegan Tenorio BSN, RN
Brooke Drexler BSN, RN
Philip Pantoja BSN, RN
Kimberly Charran BSN, RN
Olivia Falcetta ASN, RN

9:59 AM

Sunday, February 9th
9:59 AM

Optimizing Pyxis Inventory Through Pharmacy-Nursing Collaboration: A Path to Better Patient Care

Suboor Azimi PharmD
Anthony Buscaino RPh
Nina Yousefzadeh PharmD, BCPS
Jonathan Falsetta PharmD, BCPS
Sarah Zay MSN, RN, CCRN
Heather Kennedy MSN, RN, NE-BE

9:59 AM

Monday, February 10th
9:59 AM

PERIOP: Decreasing Specimen Labeling/Handling Errors

Tameka Wallace MBA, MSN-RN, CPAN, CCRN-K
Brittney Regan MSN-RN, CNOR
Kerri Robertson MSN-RN, CNOR
Samantha Maietta RN, CNOR
Vince Thorpe RN
Elizabeth Ulitsch RN
Michael Payawal CST

9:59 AM

Tuesday, February 11th
9:59 AM


Heather Caramanzana PhD, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, CRRN

9:59 AM

Wednesday, February 12th
9:59 AM

Sleep Hygiene Education and Shift Workers

Carissa Clemente BSN, RN
Samantha Epifania BSN, RN
Amy Kuppelmeyer BSN, RN

9:59 AM

Thursday, February 13th
9:59 AM

Transforming Patient Experience with Playback Health

Luciann Sackett RN, BSN, CRRN
Heather Caramanzana PhD, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC, CRRN
Denyce LaVeglia RN, BSN, CRRN
Anthony Cardone PT, DPT, LSVT

9:59 AM