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An article summarizing the history of nurses' caps.


Staten Island University Hospital

People or Location Pictured

Mary O'Sullivan, Aurelia Schmeiser


Western Region


"Famous hat designer Lilly Dache created the mortarboard look for the Harris College of Nursing at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth. Interlaced with black velvet hands, the cap worn by Mrs. Virginia Mann of St. George sometimes is called the 'pious pancake.' Irish eyes smile as Mrs. Mary O'Sullivan of Annadale shows off her cap from the oldest school in the United Sates, the Bellevue School of Nursing. It was designed by Euphemia Van Rensselaer in 1876 on a model of a housemaid's cap. Regardless of the school, a black ribbon on a cap means one thing: a tribute to Florence Nightingale, who, through her own acts of courage, helped elevate nursing to the profession it is today. Supervisor and instructor at Staten Island Hospital, Mrs. Aurelia Schmeiser of Brighton Heights wears her white Indian Head linen cap with the regulation-size one-quarter width ribbon band.

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