Removal of baclofen with hemodialysis is negligible compared to intact kidney excretion in a pediatric overdose: a case report

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Journal Title

Clin Toxicol


© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Introduction: Severe baclofen toxicity can result in respiratory failure, hemodynamic instability, bradycardia, hypothermia, seizures, coma, and death. While hemodialysis (HD) is well-described in treating acute baclofen toxicity in patients with end-stage kidney disease or acute kidney injury, the utility of HD for patients with normal kidney function is uncertain. Implementing HD to speed recovery after a large acute baclofen ingestion is appealing, considering: (a) potential for prolonged coma and ventilator-associated morbidity, and (b) baclofen’s low protein-binding, low molecular-weight, and moderate volume of distribution. Methods: We report a 51 kg, 14-year-old girl who presented to the emergency department (ED) with hypotension, obtundation, and status epilepticus after an intentional ingestion of 1200 mg baclofen. Her post-intubation neurologic examination was concerning for coma. A 14-hour post-ingestion baclofen concentration was 882 ng/mL (therapeutic range 80–400 ng/mL). Three urgent-HD sessions were performed to reduce her time on the ventilator. Results: The total baclofen removed in the first three-hour HD session was 3.05 mg. The total urinary elimination of baclofen 42 mg over 24-hours on day one. She was discharged without neurologic deficits to psychiatry on day-14. Conclusion: In this case, the amount of baclofen recovered during HD is negligible in comparison to the amount cleared by kidney elimination in this patient with normal kidney function.

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School of Medicine

Primary Department

Emergency Medicine





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