
Submissions from 2014


Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Elective Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in the Ambulatory Versus In-Hospital Setting, M. R. Kahn, A. Fallahi, R. Kulina, G. D. Dangas, A. S. Kini, S. K. Sharma, and M. C. Kim


A Novel Mechanism of B Cell-Mediated Immune Suppression through CD73 Expression and Adenosine Production, H. Kaku, K. F. Cheng, Y. Al-Abed, and T. L. Rothstein


A multicenter population-based effectiveness study of teleintensive care unit-directed ventilator rounds demonstrating improved adherence to a protective lung strategy, decreased ventilator duration, and decreased intensive care unit mortality, T. Kalb, J. Raikhelkar, S. Meyer, F. Ntimba, J. Thuli, M. J. Gorman, I. Kopec, and C. Scurlock


Inhibition of Cxcr 1 and 2 Delays Preterm Delivery and Reduces Neonatal Mortality in a Mouse Model of Chorioamnionitis, R. Kamity, H. Patel, S. Younis, M. Nasim, E. Miller, and M. Ahmed

Clinical and cost implications of treating schizophrenia: safety, efficacy, relapse prevention, and patient outcomes, J. M. Kane, C. U. Correll, P. D. Harvey, and M. Olfson


Attitudinal barriers to prescribing LAI antipsychotics in the outpatient setting: communicating with patients, families, and caregivers, John Kane

Financial incentives improve adherence to maintenance antipsychotic treatment, John Kane


Technology-based interventions in health care, John Kane


Aripiprazole Once-Monthly in the Acute Treatment of Schizophrenia: Findings From a 12-Week, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, John Kane, T. Peters-Strickland, R. A. Baker, P. Hertel, A. Eramo, N. Jin, P. P. Perry, M. Gara, R. D. McQuade, R. Sanchez, and +1 additional author


Hospitalization rates in patients switched from oral anti-psychotics to aripiprazole once-monthly: final efficacy analysis, John Kane, C. Zhao, B. R. Johnson, R. A. Baker, A. Eramo, R. D. McQuade, A. R. Duca, R. Sanchez, and T. Peters-Strickland


Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia in children: a multicenter experience, K. T. Kang, J. E. Potts, A. E. Radbill, M. J. La Page, J. Papagiannis, J. M. Garnreiter, P. Kubus, M. J. Kantoch, A. D. Blaufox, S. Sanatani, and +8 additional authors


HMGB1 in health and disease, R. Kang, R. C. Chen, Q. H. Zhang, W. Hou, S. Wu, X. G. Fan, Z. W. Yan, X. F. Sun, H. C. Wang, D. L. Tang, and +8 additional authors


The HMGB1/RAGE inflammatory pathway promotes pancreatic tumor growth by regulating mitochondrial bioenergetics, R. Kang, D. Tang, N. E. Schapiro, T. Loux, K. M. Livesey, T. R. Billiar, H. Wang, B. Van Houten, M. T. Lotze, and H. J. Zeh


Intracellular Hmgb1 inhibits inflammatory nucleosome release and limits acute pancreatitis in mice, R. Kang; Q. Zhang; W. Hou; Z. Yan; R. Chen; J. Bonaroti; P. Bansal; T. R. Billiar; A. Tsung; Q. Wang; D. L. Bartlett; D. C. Whitcomb; E. B. Chang; X. Zhu; H. Wang; B. Lu; K. J. Tracey; L. Cao; X. G. Fan; M. T. Lotze; H. J., 3rd Zeh; and D. Tang


A Simplified Approach to Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy, S. P. Kanotra, D. B. Kuriloff, and P. K. Vyas


Child and adolescent immunizations: selected review of recent US recommendations and literature, C. M. Kao, R. J. Schneyer, and J. A. Bocchini


Lung-Protective Ventilation for SAH Patients: Are These Measures Truly Protective?, G. Kapinos and A. Chichra


Hypertensive crisis Reversible edema in leukoencephalopathy, retinopathy, now myelopathy?, G. Kapinos and P. C. Sanelli


Rituximab and immune deficiency: case series and review of the literature, B. Kaplan, Y. Kopyltsova, A. Khokhar, F. Lam, and V. Bonagura


Steroid use in acute liver failure, J. Karkhanis; E. C. Verna; M. S. Chang; R. T. Stravitz; M. Schilsky; W. M. Lee; and R. S., Jr. Brown


Reply: To PMID 23929808, J. Karkhanis; E. C. Verna; M. S. Chang; R. T. Stravitz; M. L. Schilsky; W. M. Lee; and R. S., Jr. Brown


Altered relationships between age and functional brain activation in adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis, K. H. Karlsgodt, T. G. M. van Erp, C. E. Bearden, and T. D. Cannon


Anti-inflammatory actions of endogenous and exogenous interleukin-10 versus glucocorticoids on macrophage functions of the newly born, K. Kasat, H. Patel, O. Predtechenska, I. Vancurova, and D. Davidson


Use of a Preoperative Checklist Reduces Risk of Penile Prosthesis Infection, B. F. Katz, G. S. Gaunay, Y. Barazani, C. J. Nelson, D. M. Moreira, C. Z. Dinlenc, H. M. Nagler, and D. S. Stember


Gastroenterology Preface, S. Katz


The aging patient population, S. Katz


Can Clinical Decision Support Improve Medication Safety in the Ambulatory Setting?, B. Keber


Acute mesenteric ischemia: a sequela of abdominal aortography, S. Kedia, V. R. Bhatt, A. Koirala, S. Murukutla, J. Rijal, S. Pant, M. A. Wrzolek, and A. Gottesman


Corticocortical Evoked Potentials Reveal Projectors and Integrators in Human Brain Networks, C. J. Keller, C. J. Honey, L. Entz, S. Bickel, D. M. Groppe, E. Toth, I. Ulbert, F. A. Lado, and A. D. Mehta


Mapping human brain networks with cortico-cortical evoked potentials, C. J. Keller, C. J. Honey, P. Megevand, L. Entz, I. Ulbert, and A. D. Mehta


Brief Pulse and Ultrabrief Pulse Right Unilateral Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Major Depression: Efficacy, Effectiveness, and Cognitive Effects, C. H. Kellner, S. M. McClintock, W. V. McCall, G. Petrides, R. G. Knapp, R. D. Weiner, R. C. Young, R. M. Greenberg, M. V. Rudorfer, S. H. Lisanby, and +2 additional authors


Humanism and professionalism education for pediatric hematology-oncology fellows: A model for pediatric subspecialty training, J. C. Kesselheim, M. Atlas, D. Adams, B. Aygun, R. Barfield, K. Eisenman, J. Fulbright, K. Garvey, L. Kersun, P. Leavey, and +6 additional authors


Comment on "Effectiveness of Naltrexone in the Prevention of Delayed Respiratory Arrest in Opioid-Naive Methadone-Intoxicated Patients'', B. D. Kessler and R. S. Hoffman


In response to "plasma exchange in patients with intermediate syndrome due to organophosphates", B. D. Kessler, M. Sabharwal, C. Pak-Teng, and R. S. Hoffman

Treatment of paracetamol overdose, B. Kessler and R. Hoffman


Enhancement of Achilles Tendon Repair Mediated by Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition via Systemic Administration of Doxycycline, M. W. Kessler, J. Barr, R. Greenwald, L. B. Lane, J. S. Dines, D. M. Dines, M. C. Drakos, D. A. Grande, and N. O. Chahine


ACR Appropriateness Criterias Hemoptysis, L. H. Ketai, T. L. H. Mohammed, J. Kirsch, J. P. Kanne, B. L. McComb, J. G. Ravenel, A. G. Saleh, R. D. Shah, R. M. Steiner, R. D. Suh, and +7 additional authors


The regulation of RhoA at focal adhesions by StarD13 is important for astrocytoma cell motility, B. D. Khalil, S. Hanna, B. A. Saykali, S. El-Sitt, A. Nasrallah, D. Marston, M. El-Sabban, K. M. Hahn, M. Symons, and M. El-Sibai


Epistaxis: the factors involved in determining medicolegal liability, M. N. Khan, D. M. Blake, A. Vazquez, M. Setzen, S. Baredes, and J. A. Eloy


Do hemolyzed potassium specimens need to be repeated?, B. Khodorkovsky, B. Cambria, M. Lesser, and B. Hahn


Persistent thebesian vessels involving the right and left ventricles leading to coronary steal phenomena and ischemia, G. Khoueiry, H. Baydoun, N. Abi Rafeh, D. McCord, and Y. Olkovky


A rare case of double-chambered right ventricle associated with ventricular septal defect and congenital absence of the pulmonary valve, G. Khoueiry, T. Bhat, M. Tantray, M. Meghani, N. Abi Rafeh, M. Abdallah, and W. Hoyek


Appropriate Use of CT Perfusion following Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Bayesian Analysis Approach, R. P. Killeen, A. Gupta, H. Delaney, C. E. Johnson, A. J. Tsiouris, M. E. Fink, H. S. Mangat, A. Z. Segal, A. I. Mushlin, P. C. Sanelli, and +1 additional author


EVpedia: a community web portal for extracellular vesicles research, D. K. Kim, J. Lee, S. R. Kim, D. S. Choi, Y. J. Yoon, J. H. Kim, G. Go, L. Blanc, S. Sahoo, Y. S. Gho, and +85 additional authors


The Relation Between Diabetes Self-Efficacy and Psychological Distress Among Older Adults: Do Racial and Ethnic Differences Exist?, G. Kim, Ruth Shim, K. L. Ford, and T. A. Baker


Second-line immunosuppressive treatment of childhood nephrotic syndrome: a single-center experience, J. Kim, N. Patnaik, N. Chorny, R. Frank, L. Infante, and C. Sethna


Modulation of tolerogenic dendritic cells and autoimmunity, S. J. Kim and B. Diamond


Expression of Blimp-1 in dendritic cells modulates the innate inflammatory response in dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis, S. J. Kim, J. Goldstein, K. Dorso, M. Merad, L. Mayer, J. M. Crawford, P. K. Gregersen, and B. Diamond


Patterns in computed tomography utilization among emergency physicians in an urban, academic emergency department, J. Kirschner, K. Shah, D. Runde, D. Newman, B. Godbout, D. Wiener, and J. Lee


A Call to Restructure Psychiatry General and Subspecialty Training, P. Kirwin; M. Conroy; C. Lyketsos; Blaine Greenwald; B. Forester; C. Devries; II Ahmed; I. Wiechers; K. Zdanys; D. Steffens; and C. F., 3rd Reynolds


Effects of the child-perpetrator relationship on mental health outcomes of child abuse: It's (not) all relative, L. J. Kiser, C. S. Stover, C. P. Navalta, J. Dorado, J. M. Vogel, J. K. Abdul-Adil, S. Kim, R. C. Lee, R. Vivrette, and E. C. Briggs


Long-Acting Injectable vs Oral Antipsychotics for Relapse Prevention in Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials, Taishiro Kishimoto, A. Robenzadeh, C. Leucht, S. Leucht, K. Watanabe, M. Mimura, M. Borenstein, John Kane, and Christoph Correll


Cushing syndrome, J. Klein, P. Vuguin, and S. Hyman

Successful first-in-man percutaneous transapical-transseptal Melody mitral valve-in-ring implantation after complicated closure of a para-annular ring leak, C. Kliger, A. Al-Badri, S. Wilson, D. Weiss, V. Jelnin, I. Kronzon, G. Perk, G. P. Fontana, and C. E. Ruiz

Percutaneous complete repair of failed mitral valve prosthesis: simultaneous closure of mitral paravalvular leaks and transcatheter mitral valve implantation - single-centre experience, C. Kliger, R. Angulo, L. Maranan, R. Kumar, V. Jelnin, I. Kronzon, G. P. Fontana, K. Plestis, N. Patel, G. Perk, and C. E. Ruiz

How would I treat? The invited experts' opinion, C. Kliger and C. E. Ruiz


Rethinking Percutaneous Paravalvular Leak Closure: Where Do We Go From Here?, C. Kliger and C. E. Ruiz


Identification of a genetic variant for joint damage progression in autoantibody-positive rheumatoid arthritis, R. Knevel, K. Klein, K. Somers, C. Ospelt, J. J. Houwing-Duistermaat, M. Kern, N. Manjarrez-Orduno, L. Rodriguez-Rodriquez, P. K. Gregersen, A. H. van der Helm-van Mil, and +13 additional authors


Ultrasound Assessment of Pulmonary Embolism in Patients Receiving CT Pulmonary Angiography, S. Koenig, S. Chandra, A. Alaverdian, C. Dibello, P. H. Mayo, and M. Narasimhan


Response to: Ultrasound in Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Response, S. Koenig and P. H. Mayo


The CSMD1 genome-wide associated schizophrenia risk variant rs10503253 affects general cognitive ability and executive function in healthy males, E. Koiliari, P. Roussos, E. Pasparakis, T. Lencz, Anil Malhotra, L. J. Siever, S. G. Giakoumaki, and P. Bitsios


Network modulation following sham surgery in Parkinson's disease, J. H. Ko, A. Feigin, P. Mattis, C. C. Tang, Y. L. Ma, V. Dhawan, M. J. During, M. G. Kaplitt, and D. Eidelberg


Quantifying Significance of Topographical Similarities of Disease-Related Brain Metabolic Patterns, J. H. Ko, P. Spetsieris, Y. L. Ma, V. Dhawan, and D. Eidelberg


Recombinant Interleukin-2 in Patients Aged Younger Than 60 Years With Acute Myeloid Leukemia in First Complete Remission, J. E. Kolitz, S. L. George, D. M. Benson, K. Maharry, G. Marcucci, R. Vij, B. L. Powell, S. L. Allen, D. J. DeAngelo, Oncology Alliance Clinical Trials, and +8 additional authors


In Reference to Extracapsular Dissection for Benign Parotid Tumors: A Meta-Analysis, A. Komisar


The accuracy of predicting survival in individual patients with cancer, D. Kondziolka, P. V. Parry, L. D. Lunsford, H. Kano, J. P. S. Knisely, M. S. Ahluwalia, M. E. Linskey, M. McDermott, P. Sperduto, R. Stupp, and +10 additional authors


Hemorrhagic unilateral retinopathy, V. A. Kon Graversen; L. M. Jampol; T. Meredith; M., 3rd Landers; J. Slakter; A. J. Brucker; and M. Rabb


2014 ESC guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism, S. V. Konstantinides, A. Torbicki, G. Agnelli, N. Danchin, D. Fitzmaurice, N. Galie, J. S. Gibbs, A. C. Spyropoulos, M. V. Huisman, M. Zompatori, and +15 additional authors


Gender issues in the neurobiology of epilepsy: A clinical perspective, B. S. Koppel and C. L. Harden


Psychotic Alzheimer's disease is associated with gender-specific tau phosphorylation abnormalities, Jeremy Koppel, C. Acker, P. Davies, O. L. Lopez, H. Jimenez, M. Azose, Blaine Greenwald, P. S. Murray, C. M. Kirkwood, J. Kofler, and R. A. Sweet


Optimal treatment of Alzheimer's disease psychosis: challenges and solutions, Jeremy Koppel and Blaine Greenwald


Pathogenic tau species drive a psychosis-like phenotype in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, Jeremy Koppel, H. Jimenez, M. Azose, C. D'Abramo, C. Acker, J. Buthorn, Blaine Greenwald, J. Lewis, M. Lesser, Z. Liu, and P. Davies


Psychosis in Alzheimer's Disease is Associated with Frontal Metabolic Impairment and Accelerated Decline in Working Memory: Findings from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Jeremy Koppel, S. Sunday, Terry Goldberg, P. Davies, E. Christen, Blaine Greenwald, and Initi Alzheimer's Dis Neuroimaging


CB2 Receptor Deficiency Increases Amyloid Pathology and Alters Tau Processing in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease, Jeremy Koppel, V. Vingtdeux, P. Marambaud, C. d'Abramo, H. Jimenez, M. Stauber, R. Friedman, and P. Davies


Histological healing favors lower risk of colon carcinoma in extensive ulcerative colitis, B. I. Korelitz, K. Sultan, M. Kothari, L. Arapos, J. Schneider, and G. Panagopoulos


Positive and negative subclinical symptoms and MCCB performance in non-psychiatric controls, C. Korponay, G. C. Nitzburg, Anil Malhotra, and P. DeRosse


Emerging drugs for schizophrenia: an update, L. S. Koster, M. Carbon, and Christoph Correll


Prevention of phrenic nerve injury during interventional electrophysiologic procedures, M. Kowalski, K. A. Ellenbogen, and J. N. Koneru


Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir for 8 or 12 Weeks for Chronic HCV without Cirrhosis, K. V. Kowdley, S. C. Gordon, K. R. Reddy, L. Rossaro, D. E. Bernstein, E. Lawitz, M. L. Shiffman, E. Schiff, R. Ghalib, M. W. Fried, and +15 additional authors

Cognitive dysfunction in antiphospholipid antibody (aPL)-negative systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) versus aPL-positive non-SLE patients, E. Kozora, D. Erkan, L. Zhang, R. Zimmerman, G. Ramon, A. M. Ulug, and M. D. Lockshin


Robotic Measurement of Arm Movements After Stroke Establishes Biomarkers of Motor Recovery, H. I. Krebs, M. Krams, D. K. Agrafiotis, A. DiBernardo, J. C. Chavez, G. S. Littman, E. Yang, G. Byttebier, L. Dipietro, B. T. Volpe, and +4 additional authors


The influence of neighborhood characteristics on police officers' encounters with persons suspected to have a serious mental illness, S. Krishan, R. Bakeman, B. Broussard, S. L. Cristofaro, D. Hankerson-Dyson, L. Husbands, A. C. Watson, and Michael Compton


Guidance of Post Myocardial Infarction Ventricular Septal Defect and Pseudoaneurysm Closure, I. Kronzon, C. E. Ruiz, and G. Perk


Reproductive and oncologic outcomes after progestin therapy for endometrial complex atypical hyperplasia or carcinoma, R. Kudesia, T. Singer, T. A. Caputo, K. M. Holcomb, I. Kligman, Z. Rosenwaks, and D. Gupta


Self-Expanding Prostheses for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, R. Kumar, A. Latib, A. Colombo, and C. E. Ruiz


Non-HDL-cholesterol in an adolescent diabetes population, R. E. Kuryan, M. S. Jacobson, and G. R. Frank


HRS/ACC/AHA Expert Consensus Statement on the Use of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy in Patients Who Are Not Included or Not Well Represented in Clinical Trials, F. M. Kusumoto, H. Calkins, J. Boehmer, A. E. Buxton, M. K. Chung, W. K. Shen, D. J. Slotwiner, L. W. Stevenson, P. D. Varosy, L. Welikovitch, and +7 additional authors


HRS/ACC/AHA Expert Consensus Statement on the Use of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy in Patients Who Are Not Included or Not Well Represented in Clinical Trials, F. M. Kusumoto, H. Calkins, J. Boehmer, A. E. Buxton, R. L. Page, W. K. Shen, D. J. Slotwiner, L. W. Stevenson, P. D. Varosy, L. Welikovitch, and +7 additional authors


HRS/ACC/AHA expert consensus statement on the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy in patients who are not included or not well represented in clinical trials, F. M. Kusumoto, H. Calkins, J. Boehmer, V. Menon, R. L. Page, W. K. Shen, D. J. Slotwiner, L. W. Stevenson, P. D. Varosy, L. Welikovitch, and +7 additional authors


Imaging and Interventional Therapy for Varicoceles, N. Kwak and D. Siegel


Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in 11 screening programs in the United States, A. Kwan, R. S. Abraham, R. Currier, A. Brower, K. Andruszewski, J. K. Abbott, M. Baker, M. Ballow, L. E. Bartoshesky, V. R. Bonagura, and +70 additional authors


Medical students as EMTs: skill building, confidence and professional formation, T. Kwiatkowski, W. Rennie, A. Fornari, and S. Akbar


Potential Costs of Inappropriate Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors, A. M. Ladd, G. Panagopoulos, J. Cohen, N. Mar, and R. Graham


Genome-Wide Methylation Analyses in Glioblastoma Multiforme, R. K. Lai, Y. W. Chen, X. W. Guan, D. Nousome, C. Sharma, P. Canoll, J. Bruce, A. Lee, P. Gregersen, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, and +8 additional authors


Phase 2 trial of CPX-351, a fixed 5:1 molar ratio of cytarabine/daunorubicin, vs cytarabine/daunorubicin in older adults with untreated AML, J. E. Lancet, J. E. Cortes, D. E. Hogge, M. S. Tallman, T. J. Kovacsovics, L. E. Damon, R. Komrokji, S. R. Solomon, J. E. Kolitz, E. J. Feldman, and +3 additional authors


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment: A Survey of Members of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, L. B. Lane, M. Starecki, A. Olson, and N. Kohn


Coupling to a glioblastoma-directed antibody potentiates antitumor activity of curcumin, P. Langone, P. R. Debata, J. D. Inigo, S. Dolai, S. Mukherjee, P. Halat, K. Mastroianni, G. M. Curcio, M. R. Castellanos, K. Raja, and P. Banerjee


APOL1 risk variants enhance podocyte necrosis through compromising lysosomal membrane permeability, X. Q. Lan, A. Jhaveri, K. Cheng, H. X. Wen, M. A. Saleem, P. W. Mathieson, S. Aviram, A. Malhotra, K. Skorecki, P. C. Singhal, and +1 additional author


Does a GLP-1 receptor agonist change glucose tolerance in patients treated with antipsychotic medications? Design of a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, J. R. Larsen, L. Vedtofte, J. J. Holst, P. Oturai, A. Kjaer, Christoph Correll, T. Vilsboll, and A. Fink-Jensen

Sinonasal sarcoidosis: A new system of classification acting as a guide to diagnosis and treatment, W. Lawson, N. Jiang, and J. Cheng